Thai Herbal Massage

Traditional Thai Herbal Massage is a Thai Yoga Massage with the use of Thai Compressed Herbal Balls. Heat from the Thai herbs applied at the end of the massage session penetrates muscles and tendons, facilitating deep relaxation and therapeutic benefits.

Compressed herbal balls are for external application only, not intended for internal consumption. A few therapeutic benefits of using the Thai Herbal Compressed Balls include clearing the airways to relieve sinusitis, bronchial asthma, releasing muscular aches and pains, and cleansing the skin.

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Name: Vivian
Age: 20
Height: 1.68m
Weight: 49kg
Qualifications: She holds a license of Senior Massagist
Origin: Sichuan
Name: Nancy
Age: 23
Height: 1.63m
Weight: 54kg
Qualifications: Holding a rofessional title of Secondary Massagis
Origin: Guangxi
Features: She comes from ...
Name: Michelle
Age: 22
Height: 1.58m
Weight: 45kg
Qualifications: Holding a professional title of Secondary Massagis
Origin: Guilin
Features: As a contracted...
Name: Sunny
Age: 23
Height: 1.63m
Weight: 44kg
Qualifications: Holding a professional title of Secondary Massagis
Origin: neglect
Features: Her height and ...
Name: Rebecca
Age: 24
Height: 1.66m
Weight: 43kg
Qualifications: she holds a professional title of Secondary Massag
Origin: Guangdong
Features: Her height and ...
Name: Grace
Age: 21
Height: 1.63 m
Weight: 45 kg
Qualifications: Holding a professional title of Secondary Massagis
Origin: Hunan
Features: Her height and ...


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