Massage methods

Massage can be performed by a massage therpaist, or by other health care professionals, such as chiropractors, osteopaths, athletic trainers, and/or physical therapists. Massage therapists work in a variety of medical and recreational settings and may travel to private residences or businesses.[5] Contraindications to massage include deep vein thrombosis, bleeding disorders or taking blood thinners such as Warfarin, damaged blood vessels, weakened bones from cancer, osteoporosis, or fractures, and fever.

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Name: Vivian
Age: 20
Height: 1.68m
Weight: 49kg
Qualifications: She holds a license of Senior Massagist
Origin: Sichuan
Name: Nancy
Age: 23
Height: 1.63m
Weight: 54kg
Qualifications: Holding a rofessional title of Secondary Massagis
Origin: Guangxi
Features: She comes from ...
Name: Michelle
Age: 22
Height: 1.58m
Weight: 45kg
Qualifications: Holding a professional title of Secondary Massagis
Origin: Guilin
Features: As a contracted...
Name: Sunny
Age: 23
Height: 1.63m
Weight: 44kg
Qualifications: Holding a professional title of Secondary Massagis
Origin: neglect
Features: Her height and ...
Name: Rebecca
Age: 24
Height: 1.66m
Weight: 43kg
Qualifications: she holds a professional title of Secondary Massag
Origin: Guangdong
Features: Her height and ...
Name: Grace
Age: 21
Height: 1.63 m
Weight: 45 kg
Qualifications: Holding a professional title of Secondary Massagis
Origin: Hunan
Features: Her height and ...


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